Sep 10th Back-end upgrades
We are currently upgrading out backend system but to minimise disruption we have opted to keep it online, You may notice some small issues if you please be so kind as to report them. Many thanks
Aug 23rd Mobile / Tablet UI
New mobile / tablet web interface now running on all shared services.
Jun 21st Summer Solstice Promo
25% off shared plans for life with promo code SOLSTICE
Jun 18th DNS updates
DNS servers updated, you may experience some slight disruption over the next hour or so while the update propegate.
If you're having issues accessing your slot use the direct IP suplied in your email or contact support who can provide it for you.
Dec 24th Season of Goodwill
50% discount on shared boxes for life. Just use the promotion code "xmas2013" at the checkout.
Offer valid until December 31st
Aug 14th Bitcoin Discount
No fees for us = reduced prices for you.
Jul 4th Bitcoin Payment System
Our Bitcoin payment method has been updated to accommodate the closure of Walletbit. Invoice payment procedure remains unchanged.