Using Transdroid
Transdroid is a front-end torrent management app for the Android OS. While it does not have any torrenting capabilites itself it is used for remote control of other clients such as rTorrent without the need to load the full ruTorrent web interface.
First we need to download an install Transdroid to our device, we can do so using the following link:
Once install you need to configure your server. You details will vary slightly depending on your package and server number (you'll have recieved these details in your welcome email).
the important settings are:Server Type: rTorrent
IP or Domain: ***
Port: 443
Use Authentication: Yes
Username: ***
Password: ***
SCGI Folder: /rutorrent/plugins/httprpc/action.php
Server OS: Linux
SSL: Yes
Acceept all SSL Certificates: YesFields marked *** are the settings you will have revieved in your welcome email.
Working version can be found in our Downloads Area